
Showing posts from June, 2013

This is a great day for the history of the enlightened.

This is a great day for the history of the enlightened. Today we claimed Portland and saved Klue! I was able to donate gear for the event as I was in town beforehand before flying out. I was also part of the planning and operations. It was a close close battle! I know many of the resistance in pdx and they are very determined and very faithful to their cause! It did not go down without a fight! Of course, being enlightened I feel they are good, just misguided, lol!

Just a reminder of what we are all fighting for!

Just a reminder of what we are all fighting for!


MOD PLACEMENT Force Amp and Turret in the middle surrounded by two very rare shields on the outside offers defense and protection. Multi-hack and Heat Sink in the middle surrounded by two very rare shields on the outside offers a supply portal with protection. It seems that the new mods are on the portal itself and are not resonator specific, but to stay in the new practice, mix it up anyways.


SHIELD PLACEMENT Shields are placed on resonators not the portal.  In upgrade portal choose the resonator that you want to place the shield on. You can place them on one or 4 of your resonators. It is best to place them on 4 different resonators for the maximum effectiveness. It is mathematical. If you have common which is like 10%, you will get 10 for the first, then 10% of 90 for the next and so on. If you choose a different resonator each time you deploy a shield, you will add 10% to each resonator. Choose your highest resonators to add them to.  Have you ever wondered why a resonator just hangs on, that is the one with the shields and it will take the extra effort of being really close to the resonator. If you are just attacking a single portal with all the same resonators that has shields on it you can see the resonators with the shields on them because they will take less of a hit in percentage. This has been tested by L8s in Louisiana.   They did the test using the N E S W reson...

Did anyone else notice this massive field that wagga set up? Was worth over 18K mind units!!! Jackson Cyr

Did anyone else notice this massive field that wagga set up?  Was worth over 18K mind units!!! Jackson Cyr
Gonna try to reclaim Belgrade.


If.... all Enlightened attack anything at 1 pm with Dadonka Zarkuu or Firepsycho's name on would help a tremendous amount. The time is crucial, capture is not.

Three Forks has added two additional portals in one week.

Three Forks has added two additional portals in one week.  The Sacajawea "Coming Home" Statue and the historic hotel right across the street from it are now online.  This brings the total portals in Three Forks to six with one more portal pending approval.

New Portal: Shining Mountains Lutheran Church.

New Portal: Shining Mountains Lutheran Church.  This portal is off "N. 25th" between Baxter and Durstan.  I claimed it just a little bit ago but did not have any L4 or L3 resonators so it is currently only a L2 portal (claimed w/ 2x L5 & 6x L1). If any of you want to upgrade and / or link from it, then its good to go.  Based on my submission coordinates, I believe this portal should be reachable by main road or side street. The side street even has a pull off spot that should still allow reach while being off the road. Most days/nights their parking lot is empty too. As an interesting side note, Google only took one week to approve this portal. However, two other portals that were submitted four days earlier are still

What's up everyone, I'm a Lvl 6 (shifty360) from Virginia living up in Big Sky for the summer and probably longer.

What's up everyone, I'm a Lvl 6 (shifty360) from Virginia living up in Big Sky for the summer and probably longer. I'll be down in Bozeman every now and then and hopefully some of the portals I submitted around here will go live eventually.

Wow! Let's start our own army!

Wow! Let's start our own army!

On my way home tonight I thought I would attempt to retake the "sledding hill" portal (next to Dino park).

On my way home tonight I thought I would attempt to retake the "sledding hill" portal (next to Dino park). I had successfully knocked 2 or 3 resonators and was starting on the 3rd or 4th one when I saw a vehicle turn into the parking lot. Oddly I had a feeling about it but went back to discharging my bursters.  All of a sudden a bunch of resonators repopulated on my screen and that was when I knew the jig was up. I looked around and finally found the vehicle that I had seen pull into the parking lot and received a friendly wave through the window. We met up, shook hands and had a friendly conversation. And that was how I met FirePsycho

Well wow.

Well wow... my first portal submission for Three Forks got accepted. The Sacajawea Statue at the entrance of town is now live. Rock on Google

I think I will put this one in the "successful hack" column.

I think I will put this one in the "successful hack" column.

I just got notification from Google that they have accepted my portal submission for the old Carnegie Library...

I just got notification from Google that they have accepted my portal submission for the old Carnegie Library building. So keep an eye out for that portal.

Hey folks, I just noticed a portal called Langohr Boulder.

Hey folks, I just noticed a portal called Langohr Boulder. If using the intel map, it is to the right of the campus and Walt Whitman. Looks like a fairly new Enlightened player grabbed it (player: jba). The portal is only a L1 and is made up of L1 & L2 resonators & is prime for upgrading as well as linking. Not exactly sure the best way to get to it, but if you look at the map you can trace a route down Kagy, left on S. Wilson and look to the right off Gallagator Linear Trail.

One million ap tonight! Yay! It's taken me forever! Lol

One million ap tonight! Yay! It's taken me forever! Lol
Thanks for upgrading my Three Forks farms! Wagga and MrSuit, you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!
Ingress App update. Just down loaded

Quick note, in order to use the Jarvis/ADA viruses, you have to have plenty of XM.

Quick note, in order to use the Jarvis/ADA viruses, you have to have plenty of XM. Check the level of the portal you are trying to turn. From what I understand, it is the level x 1,000 XM. Presumably to prevent L1s from turning an L8 portal

Night time assault on MSU was a huge success!

Night time assault on MSU was a huge success! Wagga and Frozenjackal showed up and we burned down smurf central, roasted some marshmallows over it, and had enough time to make dust angels out of the ashes. Exceptional team work and planning. We wedged our way from three different sides and met in the middle to deal the final blow with a Jarvis virus to capture the wind arc. Wish we could do this every night! On side note, I did suffer a minor battlewound when I tripped over a bench. It is part of war I guess.

OK folks! Shane & I are going to meet up at the Wind Arc at MSU at 10:30 tonight for a campus assault.

OK folks! Shane & I are going to meet up at the Wind Arc at MSU at 10:30 tonight for a campus assault. The desire is to attack from two different locations & work in. That should make it tougher for resistance to respond if they want to. All of you are welcome to join us!

Planning a massive assault on campus.

Planning a massive assault on campus. Will be at the wind arc at 2230L. I know it is short notice and it is a school night. Pm/contact Rob (frozenjackal) or me via the COMM.

Let's fix this gap!

Let's fix this gap!

Welcome Seth Davidson! Feel free to jump into any of the discussions, start one or offer any tips. :)

Welcome Seth Davidson! Feel free to jump into any of the discussions, start one or offer any tips. :)  If you look under "About this community" there are some links, some of which might be of interest to you. I hope you will consider adding your information to the "Bozeman Player Names".  There is also a Montana Ingress community if you have not already joined it you might want to. Upcoming events: Possibly a meetup tonight at the MSU campus around 11pm, probably meet at the library. You are welcome to come join us for a bit. If you are just starting out then it could be a great opportunity to level up a bit, farm supplies, as well as meet a player or two. Sunday the 16th at the MSU campus (11am for roughly 2 hours) there will be a Cross Faction meetup. Again, a great opportunity to level up, meet some players and have some fun. If you are interested in joining us there is an event signup I believe on this page as well as on the Montana Ingress page.  Feel free to b...
Anyone up for a late night raid on MSU?

Looks like the Smurfs picked up another player.

Looks like the Smurfs picked up another player. Was looking at the communications feed around MSU and noticed a new name I have not seen before - Chronikoce.  Looks like they are attempting to get stronger!
G+ Official! L7!!!!

Agents check in with the event host, who records their faction, codename, and AP.

Originally shared by Richard Browne (Asguardian) Agents check in with the event host, who records their faction, codename, and AP. All Agents are given 90 minutes to gain as much AP as possible, using any means at their disposal (establishing fields, reclaiming Portals, etc.). L1, L2, and L3 Agents are granted a 2X bonus multiplier, designed to encourage seasoned Agents to help new recruits level up. After 90 minutes has elapsed, Agents rendezvous with the event host who records their current AP. The host sums the total AP gain per faction, then divides by the number of Agents to determine the average AP gain. The faction with the largest average AP gain wins. events/cl5ldgggs4r7j83rqi6sqbg2vic

Anyone up for hitting up campus?

Anyone up for hitting up campus? I think I will make my way over there again. gonna try to get my last 23k pts and make L7 for the Portal Event on the 16th. Same place and time! Btw, has anyone else had issues yesterday with Ingress? Some people and myself couldnt get our inventories to load. Also when I tried to place resonators, they never actually stuck to the portal. I placed close to 20 resonators to a portal, I ended up getting the 625 AP for placing the first resonator ...each time.

Bozeman Fire Station #3 is now a L1 Resistance portal hanging on with a L4, L5, & L6 resonator.

Bozeman Fire Station #3 is now a L1 Resistance portal hanging on with a L4, L5, & L6 resonator. I ran out of supplies & XM. Probably ideal for a higher level player since the remaining resonators are outside the front/easy access of the building. While you are at it, the Dino park is currently an L3 & ready for upgrade.


Hooray! Some of my airport portals were accepted! I'm not in town right now so go ahead and claim them if you do desire!

If you have not watched todays report you may want to do so.

If you have not watched todays report you may want to do so. Looks like a mod will be introduced soon that when played will actually increase the amount of damage to a portals enemy attacker (assuming I understand this correctly). Originally shared by Ingress INGRESS REPORT | 5 New Mods Revealed - EP11 has dropped, and Susanna Moyer's team yet again leaks confidential intel on rumored Ingress Scanner updates. Notably, the Turret is real. And it is coming soon. US Agents work to create a series of link-chains across the country. Melbourne Agents create the first all-female L8 Portal, and encourage others to repeat their achievement. Finally, Agents experimenting with the ADA Refactor and JARVIS Virus have found interesting ways to create HiLVL Portals when both weapons are used in tandem. Share your SITREPs and disclosable tactics with the #IngressReport hashtag, and sign the release at . 2YH7YUENX379W

Time to go on a rampage.

Time to go on a rampage. Gonna hit up Bozeman Po first, loop my way over to MSU, then four corners and Amsterdam. Time to clean sweep the small areas Wagga and Frozen didn't get to last night. I have a dedicated fuel tank to get me the last 60k AP to boost me to L7.

Wagga & I are planning to meet up at the MSU library tonight at 11pm in an attempt to knock the smurfs around a bit.

Wagga & I are planning to meet up at the MSU library tonight at 11pm in an attempt to knock the smurfs around a bit. If anyone wants to join us you are more than welcome.  If you are unable to join us but might be able to arrange a supply drop with one of us please let us know. Sounds like bursters are in very short supply and would be greatly appreciated. I can use L3 & L4 bursters and I think Wagga is around an L7 or L8 so probably bursters L6 & up would help him.

Saw this code from 3:36pm today in the Ingress faction channel and just tried it.

Saw this code from 3:36pm today in the Ingress faction channel and just tried it. Still working and gave me a power cube: 5XF2KUREZEV939P

Helen Copeland portal is now green.

Helen Copeland portal is now green. But only an L3. If anyone wants to upgrade it before the smurfs hit it then go for it. One mistake I did make was too close a resonator spread. Same is true now for Whale Tail, its an L3 ready for upgrade. Better resonator spread. OK, same is true for Aasheum memorial. Also, the student memorial is reasonably beat up.

Just saw Warren Sanders posted this in the Billings Enlightened community:

Just saw Warren Sanders  posted this in the Billings Enlightened community:  Deploying resonators is not mandatory! Doing this will deploy your lowest resonator.  Instead, choose 'UPGRADE portal' to choose what you place.  No need to deploy, then upgrade.  You will not get AP for upgrading your own resonators; only upgrading others resonators will you gain AP.

Just saw Warren Sanders posted this in the Billings Enlightened community:

Just saw Warren Sanders  posted this in the Billings Enlightened community: Game changer!  As of the first of this month, newly acquired shields have far more strength. Shields were: CS=+6, RS=+8, and VS=+10 Shields now are: CS=+10, RS=+20, and VS=+30 However these are not for existing shields.   Newly acquired shields go to the top of your stack.  So when placing them you may not be using the new until you burn through the old.  So either recycle or spend them.

Hey folks.

Hey folks. Quick announcement. Zarkuu, nemesis to many of us "toads" is now part of the Montana Ingress community. For better lack of words, I know he has raped many of our green portals, but on the flip side of the coin, has helped many of us out by not screwing us over by making the portals impossible to recapture. When you see him on Montana Ingress, please look past your faction loyalty and greet him as a member of our current community. We need people like him to balance the game and make it fun for all of us. I will look forward to meeting more smurfs.

Hey, not sure if you guys have seen the Javis Virus or Ada Refactor items yet, but here is a tip for using them to...

Hey, not sure if you guys have seen the Javis Virus or Ada Refactor items yet, but here is a tip for using them to create higher level portals. 1. Get 1 l7, 1 l8, and 1 player of any level,  1 jarvis virus and 1 ada refactor 2. Capture a portal, put your l7s and l8 resonator down. 3. use the ada refactor to flip the portal from green to blue. (anyone in the group can do this) 4. have the player of any level use the jarvis virus flip it back to green, notice all the resonators are now in his / her name 5. l7 and l8 players should now be able to add another round of l8 and l7 resonators creating a l7 portal (2 8's, 4 7's, and 2 6's). in summary, for every 1 set of flip cards you get, you should be able to create l7 portals with only 1 l8, 1 l7, and 1 player of any level to do the flip.  you can also repeat the process over and over to make a l8 portal if you have enough. enjoy, Tim



Got stuck in my old stomping grounds in Great Falls.

Got stuck in my old stomping grounds in Great Falls. Took out a pivotal portal that knocked out half a dozen fields. Bazinga! Gained a boat load of AP! Need to travel up there more!