Time to go on a rampage.

Time to go on a rampage. Gonna hit up Bozeman Po first, loop my way over to MSU, then four corners and Amsterdam. Time to clean sweep the small areas Wagga and Frozen didn't get to last night. I have a dedicated fuel tank to get me the last 60k AP to boost me to L7.


  1. I was debating heading back over there again as well. keep an eye out, there are several new portals on campus. some of them are so close to others they basically form a cluster that allows you to stand in one spot and do decent damage on two and three portals at once.

  2. lol, dang. you hammered the Helen Copeland area then too (by duck ponds)?

  3. We had a good run until pressing matters took Sindean and Wagga out last night. Good work Katz!

  4. I have no idea what came over me. I was sitting on my couch and told my mate to follow me to the car and all I could say to myself as the keys hit the ignition was: them smurfs are going down.... I feel better now.


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