Shields are placed on resonators not the portal. 

In upgrade portal choose the resonator that you want to place the shield on. You can place them on one or 4 of your resonators. It is best to place them on 4 different resonators for the maximum effectiveness. It is mathematical. If you have common which is like 10%, you will get 10 for the first, then 10% of 90 for the next and so on. If you choose a different resonator each time you deploy a shield, you will add 10% to each resonator. Choose your highest resonators to add them to. 

Have you ever wondered why a resonator just hangs on, that is the one with the shields and it will take the extra effort of being really close to the resonator.

If you are just attacking a single portal with all the same resonators that has shields on it you can see the resonators with the shields on them because they will take less of a hit in percentage.

This has been tested by L8s in Louisiana.   They did the test using the N E S W resonators and also placed their highest resonators on those spots.  They used several ADA and Jarvis viruses to accomplish these tests.  If the shields were all placed on one resonator or lower level resonators, the portal came down quicker.


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