Helen Copeland portal is now green.

Helen Copeland portal is now green. But only an L3. If anyone wants to upgrade it before the smurfs hit it then go for it. One mistake I did make was too close a resonator spread.

Same is true now for Whale Tail, its an L3 ready for upgrade. Better resonator spread.

OK, same is true for Aasheum memorial. Also, the student memorial is reasonably beat up.


  1. So the final results of my little escapade: 

    3 portals destroyed
    3 portals claimed
    1 portal w/ rollover damage
    3 links created
    1 field created
    Roughly 50 L3 Bursters used (going off sketchy memory)
    Roughly 20+ L4 Bursters used (going off sketchy memory)
    8 L4 Resonators used
    8 L3 Resonators used
    unknown L2 power cubes + misc low level items for XP :)

    Overall I feel pretty good about todays lunch run. Not as pleased over my inventory consumption but the price was worth it. guess I will need to spend some time farming before I attempt another run like that.

  2. ah man, it appears all that hard work will be very short lived thanks to Cicevo. So unfair!


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