Looks like the Smurfs picked up another player.

Looks like the Smurfs picked up another player. Was looking at the communications feed around MSU and noticed a new name I have not seen before - Chronikoce.  Looks like they are attempting to get stronger!


  1. That's why I advised farm, link, and enjoy this golden age while it still lasts. Btw, start finding your favourite portals and deploy the new shields on it. The days of portal flipping I can personally attest are definitely, absolutely, over! I tried to take down a portal in Vancouver the other day with the new shields, 1 percent damage with a level 7 burster and hit with 1600 xm drain.and this was just common brand of new shields. My advice, we need to start being strategic now while we have portal farms like Belgrade. Oh, and it was a level 5 portal!

  2. The other night when Jackson, Colt & myself made a late night MSU run we ran into a similar situation with the Wind Arc. I was lucky though and snagged the Jarvis Virus off a drop from Veterans. It was a very sweet flip. :)

  3. We got our first L7 portal last night using the Jarvis. It had two L8 res already which become owned by the flipper. When I added my 7 and 8, it be the first in Billings! This also come with 4 newer VR shields.

  4. How many points do you get for flipping a portal?

  5. Something tells me this will make it that much harder to level up for new players. Everyone is going to be flipping high level portals with these new viruses. plus you got these new turrets and other mods coming out. It will take more than one person to capture the Bozeman rest area. It should be interesting. I am already stocking up on the Jarvis virus.

  6. One thing we've found that seems to help, is open with your lower level bursters.  The shields can be destroyed and it appears to be just a % chance to destory it when it's hit by any level burster.  Open with a few lower level bursters and it won't use as much xm and can potentially destroy the shields. Once shields are down, use the big ones and knock down the resonators as usual.

  7. Drop all your portal shields, pick then back up, and they will all turn into the NEW shields! You're welcome! Don't let the resistance know this!

  8. Shane Helbing I saw no direct point from the Jarvis Virus although I wonder if you would get points from flipping a loaded portal with links & a field which I

  9. Two of us attacked the same res with all we had and barely made a dent! All shields were still there after unloading about 6 L8 bursters. These are super tough to beat down and will require team effort and planning.


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