On my way home tonight I thought I would attempt to retake the "sledding hill" portal (next to Dino park).

On my way home tonight I thought I would attempt to retake the "sledding hill" portal (next to Dino park). I had successfully knocked 2 or 3 resonators and was starting on the 3rd or 4th one when I saw a vehicle turn into the parking lot. Oddly I had a feeling about it but went back to discharging my bursters.  All of a sudden a bunch of resonators repopulated on my screen and that was when I knew the jig was up. I looked around and finally found the vehicle that I had seen pull into the parking lot and received a friendly wave through the window.

We met up, shook hands and had a friendly conversation. And that was how I met FirePsycho


  1. Wow! You met him! Now you need to meet zarkuu!

  2. I suspect that will eventually happen. He is more active as of late so we are bound to bump into each other eventually.

  3. I don't know, I spent all winter following his shadow and was always one step behind! Lol


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