Did anyone else notice this massive field that wagga set up? Was worth over 18K mind units!!! Jackson Cyr

Did anyone else notice this massive field that wagga set up?  Was worth over 18K mind units!!! Jackson Cyr


  1. I just noticed the West Yellowstone portal & assumed all the links & fields off of it was from him. Nicely done Jackson Cyr

  2. Thanks for the props. The operation was based on taking over Cereal and Landspeed's field point that was 84k mind units, in Moore. Couldn't have done it without SG406 and team distracting both of those guys while taking down the portal. Good team work.!

  3. If I had to give it a fair guess, I think it is roughly the size of the state of Connecticut

  4. Team work and coordination is what we need to do to be successful. It will also keep the l8s in the game. Think of each of our towns as farms and the state as our goal. If we strategize, coordinate, and work together we can continue to be successful. The goal is not to get to l8, even if we strive for it, but to gain as many minds units as possible. For Montana, the goal should be more to gain the most land and get the mind units that come with that. I know Billings has a plan for some great fields. Lets think bigger. Let's come up with a plan to cover the state.

  5. I like, I have link amps to donate for the cause.


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