Quick note, in order to use the Jarvis/ADA viruses, you have to have plenty of XM.

Quick note, in order to use the Jarvis/ADA viruses, you have to have plenty of XM. Check the level of the portal you are trying to turn. From what I understand, it is the level x 1,000 XM. Presumably to prevent L1s from turning an L8 portal


  1. Or L5's from flipping an L7 or L8 portal....so I hear :)

  2. Actually. I was wrong last night. You could have turned the L7 portal, you just had to be 100% on XM.

    XM capacity is based on your level is as follows:

    L1 - 3000
    L2 - 4000
    L3 - 5000
    L4 - 6000
    L5 - 7000
    L6 - 8000
    L7 - 9000
    L8 - 10000


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