
If.... all Enlightened attack anything at 1 pm with Dadonka Zarkuu or Firepsycho's name on would help a tremendous amount. The time is crucial, capture is not.


  1. is this one of those deals where you just want to screw with them by having a bunch of portals being attacked in a synchronized fashion?

  2. sorry man.  I just reclaimed Manhattan and Three Forks two days ago.  1 PM is past my bedtime.  Where in the hell is rugged?  he has been awol for about two weeks now.  I tried to recharge Belgrade as firepsycho was destroying it.  even burned up five L5 p'ubes but i couldnt hold it.  and this was at 2 AM

  3. Once reclaimed, I will help you guys by dropping a L7 on it and maybe some more L6s.  But we need some more high level toads to help out.

  4. So what is the point? Just to show them how strong & organized we are or to overwhelm & distract them from the real target you plan to strike?

  5. Not 100% sure, but will see what I can do. Might try to run up to University and hamer them at 1. The only other option I have very close to me is Rosaurers but that portal looks pretty fortified as well so I am concerned about my L5 butt taking lots of damage without much to show for it. :)

  6. sorry guys, I was unable to step away from work. Have a project for Corporate that is time sensitive and I am in the middle of it even as I type this.


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