If you have not watched todays report you may want to do so.

If you have not watched todays report you may want to do so. Looks like a mod will be introduced soon that when played will actually increase the amount of damage to a portals enemy attacker (assuming I understand this correctly).

Originally shared by Ingress

INGRESS REPORT | 5 New Mods Revealed - EP11 has dropped, and Susanna Moyer's team yet again leaks confidential intel on rumored Ingress Scanner updates. Notably, the Turret is real. And it is coming soon.

US Agents work to create a series of link-chains across the country. Melbourne Agents create the first all-female L8 Portal, and encourage others to repeat their achievement. Finally, Agents experimenting with the ADA Refactor and JARVIS Virus have found interesting ways to create HiLVL Portals when both weapons are used in tandem.

Share your SITREPs and disclosable tactics with the #IngressReport hashtag, and sign the release at http://ingress.com/intel.



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