Originally shared by Andrew michak
Operation: Its my birthday I can field where I want to.
A while ago I decided all I wanted for my birthday was to win the septicycle and to go on a hike. So to give myself the greatest birthday present of all, I began looking for a good hike that made a great anchor. Once mailbox peak was selected, I knew we were about to have a great day. Then I found out that agents @Featherhead and @Anewbys had keys to Hat Island, leading to the selection of second anchor. Blake Island was then an obvious choice for the 3rd anchor and the required layers.
Fast forward to April 4th:@watchout5 and I left at 6 am to head to Mailbox and @taffetadarling and @primedyno left for Blake soon after. As we were hiking, over 20 amazing enlightened agents began to rise and heading to locations to hunt some badgers. Around 10 they began the hunt. Lanes were cleared before the kayakers landed on blake island (people clearing too well), so as soon as the agents landed they had to run to the anchors, leaving all their gear on a nearby table. As they arrived on site, a new blocker popped up! However, we could not be stopped and it was soon down. As the field flew, we all knew it was time for drinks. The field was 5 layers and just over 700k MU a layer totaling out just over 3.5 million MU.
I would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes and for coming out for the best birthday party ever. And to @Kellenbushes thank you for helping us down the field so we could play in Seattle again.
Field Design and Planning
Anchor Teams
Badger Hunters
And a special thanks to:
And a very special thanks to @Pongolyn and @Taffetadarling for going above and beyond the call of duty the days before to make sure this field flew. And congratulations to @Watchout5 and @Primedyno on their new Illuminator badges.

Operation: Its my birthday I can field where I want to.
A while ago I decided all I wanted for my birthday was to win the septicycle and to go on a hike. So to give myself the greatest birthday present of all, I began looking for a good hike that made a great anchor. Once mailbox peak was selected, I knew we were about to have a great day. Then I found out that agents @Featherhead and @Anewbys had keys to Hat Island, leading to the selection of second anchor. Blake Island was then an obvious choice for the 3rd anchor and the required layers.
Fast forward to April 4th:@watchout5 and I left at 6 am to head to Mailbox and @taffetadarling and @primedyno left for Blake soon after. As we were hiking, over 20 amazing enlightened agents began to rise and heading to locations to hunt some badgers. Around 10 they began the hunt. Lanes were cleared before the kayakers landed on blake island (people clearing too well), so as soon as the agents landed they had to run to the anchors, leaving all their gear on a nearby table. As they arrived on site, a new blocker popped up! However, we could not be stopped and it was soon down. As the field flew, we all knew it was time for drinks. The field was 5 layers and just over 700k MU a layer totaling out just over 3.5 million MU.
I would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes and for coming out for the best birthday party ever. And to @Kellenbushes thank you for helping us down the field so we could play in Seattle again.
Field Design and Planning
Anchor Teams
Badger Hunters
And a special thanks to:
And a very special thanks to @Pongolyn and @Taffetadarling for going above and beyond the call of duty the days before to make sure this field flew. And congratulations to @Watchout5 and @Primedyno on their new Illuminator badges.

beautiful field in a very tough spot. well done all.