Main is fully on line again.

Main is fully on line again. Still plenty of opportunity to upgraded - mostly L6 players & above although there are a few L4 resonators. And of course, anyone can place mods which are needed downtown. If you are not sire on type, level or sequence of mod please just ask.

Remember, the farm on main street is good for ANY level of player. When fully powered as an L8 portal it just ensures you will get the best gear possible for your current player level. Please take advantage of this opportunity.


  1. If I could I would.  I am sure mine won't last, but I have to keep at it.  Blue are multiplying like rabbits and mice here.  They currently have 5 active l8s.  Although I doubt that they know it.

  2. Making Main full green 8, is going to feed your smurfs a ridiculous amount of gear. We're currently being beaten down with gear being siphoned from our portals, while the smurfs aren't building any higher than 6 to starve us of weapons.

    I've lost count of how many 7 and 8 res I have recycled.


  3. I think enemy portals deliver higher counts of resos then bursters. Still it does feed them. But they work hard to tear it down. They are not very organized so currently not much blue in town

  4. No. Enemy gives burster bonus, like faction gives reso bonus.

    It's thrashing us here

  5. Huh. Well in the past my experience has been slanted on opposite. Still, I love our little farm. :) I will take my chances. Lol

  6. It's been this way since the "bonuses" and will continue through the 15th.


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