Say hello to a couple players out of the Netherlands, Merle De Kreuk and Tantelien Broembroem.

Say hello to a couple players out of the Netherlands, Merle De Kreuk and Tantelien Broembroem. They are planning to be in Bozeman in or around July and August and would like to meet up for some Ingress play time.


  1. Welcome, I am SnowXTC in Helena.  Let me know if you make it up this way.  Don't forget to bring some remote keys from home.

  2. merle (solsort) will arrive around 21 june, me and the kids 10th of july. any requests for keys (mine are mostly the hague and rotterdam)

  3. Thanx for the warm welcomes. If I get my data account sorted out, you"ll see me on Bozemans portals as Solsort.My keys also come from Delft....


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