Please welcome Daniel Loessberg a.k.a "Ithani" to our Bozeman community.

Please welcome Daniel Loessberg a.k.a "Ithani" to our Bozeman community. Daniel is currently a Level 4 player with 89,575 AP (150k to L5) who has already captured 20 portals, and visited/hacked 104 portals.

Daniel, please don't hesitate to ask questions or ask for help either here or in faction Comm. Take a look at the sidebar for links that might be of interest to you. Good luck and welcome aboard.


  1. Thank you for the invite. I have had phantomhaccr helping me already and have 'recruited' two friends -- Issilar and Honeybeeee; though they might not be as active as me.

  2. Welcome, I am SnowXTC, in Helena.  Let me know if you make it up this way.

  3. Welcome Daniel. I'm Wagga. We are here to help you exceed. Let's us know what questions you might have. The nuances can be tricky

  4. I might occasionally since my relatives call Townsend home.

  5. Welcome Daniel. I'm Spharkii out of Bozeman.

  6. If someone would send Issilar an invite, I'm sure she would accept it. We are busy harassing smurfs here in Belgrade and all over Bozeman.

  7. If you know who she is in RL, feel free

  8. She's my significant other, I should hope so. :) So just share this with her?

  9. What is her g+ name and Robert Potter can send her an invite


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