Originally shared by Shane H.

I am requesting a 48 hour ceasefire (effective 0000 June 25 to 0000 June 27) over Three Forks. I am working on a memorial field in the form of a large "J" as a tribute to a fellow player out on the east coast. His son passed away a while back and several communities have come together and are doing similar field art.

Blue team: do not link/field or upgrade any portal within my town. Please also allow me to have the open air space so I can construct this field Stacey Hildebrandt Ian Tulloch Cam Tulloch

Green team: I request a 48 hour window to complete my fields. Please do not attack or field over three forks. I will not use my town as a hub to shoot links or blockers outside of it during this time. Robert Potter Jackson Cyr Frank Dougher Devon Woods

Gallatin Valley Ingress: I know this is short notice, but I encourage all players to construct similar field art if possible. Ryan M is the point of contact. Please send screenshots to him. He will funnel all screenshots to another contact who will then release a large official post. If you know the player who we are dedicating this to, please do not alert him. This is a surprise. Thanks for your help.


  1. OMGitsjessie and I will be making such a field on the MSU campus tomorrow; please refrain from farming there while we are constructing it.

  2. Does anyone has a screenshot of this. Want to show the hague faction that crossfaction work can be nice....


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