So much fun. Thank you to all for making this happen.

So much fun.  Thank you to all for making this happen.

nate l Dave Potts Jackson Cyr 

Originally shared by Jen Southan

Operation: Big Damn Heroes
Sunday May 25, 2014

Agent MutagenXX Cari Buchner and I had the idea to create a mega field that was female planned and operated.  We were starting fresh with no keys, just the intel map.  After mapping out an idea, we set out to get keys.  We reached out to total strangers who proved to not only be willing but were excited to be involved in something bigger than their own community.  The first sign that mega fields know no gender and take a full community effort is when trying to move keys across multiple states and internationally.  Planes, cars, truck drivers, key swap snafus at farms and beergress, and we finally got all of our keys in place.  This op absolutely would have never happened without the help and patience of all the key movers, people we can refer to as “big damn heroes”:

Cozma15 Chloe Collins, Fergilicious Karen Ferguson, Nowemapa Bill Stanley, ruggednw rugged nw, SnowXTC, ShapedRock Rusty Rock, mycroft0 Scott Kleeman, mrodell blake Odell, GreenMist justin stubenrauch, 4prophet S Knights, MamaBean Dina Hinrichsen, Peteriredale Chris Conrad, StoryDreamer Jessie McCartney, 85MR2

So the keys are in place, now what?  We set the date and get who else but mega field mastermind 85MR2 Daniella Arianne on board.  But she’s a busy megafielding, getting engaged, moderating a large community woman.  It’s a big job that requires help.  The next sign that mega fields know no gender and take a full community effort is the great minds behind intel.  These folks dedicate countless hours to the cause.  Calling on connections they’ve made and herding this wild group of cats.  This op absolutely would never have happened without the help and patience of all the intel folk, people we can refer to as “big damn heroes”:

85MR2, Nwgator Erin Benedictson, LightAxe Rob Ogilvie, Splee Lee McFadden, SpatialEd Ed Buchner, Splashum Kristen Heath, JuelieT Jeana Steinborn, Lafley Robert Lafley

Everyone we called on to help said we were crazy to mega on a holiday weekend.  Just the right amount of crazy to pull it off.  Agents willing to travel and cut into their holiday for the sake of the field helped make this happen.  Agents in places they wouldn’t normally be due to the holiday turned out to be very useful.  Agent SnowXTC Pam K put it best when she said she could think of no better way to spend a holiday weekend than to travel to a distant location and create beautiful fields of green.  The next sign that mega fields know no gender and take a full community effort are those not only willing but happy to get out and clear the paths.  This op absolutely would never have happened without the help, time, and patience of all the link busters, agents we can refer to as “big damn heroes”:

NLK, AsideTokarev, Grizbear Jon Robinson, THEMOTU John Ewan, 7thOverDrive Dave Potts, rckgrl Tiffany Huard, TDog1820 Tony Bratcher, need2gcm Lane Garland, oneverylongname Erick Sears, WLZ Alan Curtis, Pabrana Pam Stratton, Pacman6336, Hir0k Justinn Parkinson, Esona Ben Nicholson, Coopette Rebekah Cooper, Feydkin Jarett Langton, BroccoliClouds Alonzo Tollini, c0c0puff Anna Johnson, simplecat Greg Eickmeyer, Brigl4 Joshua Brigl, VenusStar Laura Brigl, checkit01 Christina Aragon, Eliking Elizabeth King, StoryDreamer, Slushking Matthew Griffin, Stormbladex69 Gregory Waggoner, KVN1 Karen Waggoner, Edinak Joshua Peach, DESSYX Avery Cannon, Voidlore Aditya Madhavan, Pequeno Diablo, SleepyFu S Fu, anextlomarus Mike Hatch, MarcusHeinous Mark Haynes, pjgraber03 Patrick Graber, Asymyth Curtis Carstens, Fouad, TheMitch2 Mitchell Carter, BigRedHouse Ed Healy, lilheck, McBurkel, freeloadr Arthur Uribe, blackinksoul, Xaositect

There is so much that goes into creating fields that cover such a large area.  Asking agents to commit to helping with “something big” but not actually knowing any details.  Asking agents to spend time and money to travel to places previously unknown to them.  Agents going out of their way to ensure this op is successful.  Agents making sacrifices for the “greater good” is a good theme for this op.  This op ABSOLUTELY would have never happened without the agents who truly were “big damn heroes”:

Agent McBurkel Marian Heckard who responded to a last minute call from a total stranger (85MR2) to take out blockers, thus delaying her poor, starved husband lilheck Robert Heckard from enjoying his pizza.

Agent Flambo Vivian L who so graciously allowed agent Fouad Fouad Zarifeh to sacrifice her guardian to take out a blocking link.  Special thanks to agent Fouad for hiking up that mountain.  Eeeek!

Agent AsideTokarev Phil Lee, who took on so many roles it’s amazing to think he’s only one person.  Recruiting help from his local agents, traveling such long distances, making many stops on his way to take out countless blockers, and keeping himself available in an anchor location for any last minute orders.  Special kudos to his navigator, agent NLK Nathan Nakamura.

There were so many people who provided help and support to make this field happen.  An all female op was a novel concept, but putting this together ended up as a lesson in what makes a group of agents a great community.  It doesn’t matter what gender we are, just that we are a large community who will come together to help each other create something beautiful.  The date of this op just happened to fall on my one year anniversary of joining Ingress.  I can think of no better way to celebrate and honor something that has had such a major and positive impact in my life over this past year.  All the places we travel to and discover, all the people we encounter, shows us just how amazing all you BIG DAMN HEROES are.

Anchor Prep:
Slushking, SnowXTC, PooDoctor, THEMOTU, Fergilicious, AsideTokarev, NLK, CaptainJac Jac Anderson, StoryDreamer, MutagenXX, burritoanarchy

SnowXTC, CaptainJac, MutagenXX, burritoanarchy

Very special thanks to all the big damn heroes, in all the roles they took on:
Pabrana, Pacman6336, JacuzziPete Sean Dufurrena, 4prophet, CarmenSD Tabatha Knights, UtahJayhawk Rene Knaphus, Beamer Lucinda Nimer, LastRaspberry Hondo Henriques, badassbelle shell belle, Flambo, McBurkel, lilheck, EnergyDrank Brandon Hollenbeck, Agent34 Joseph Severson

11,451,423 total mind units
3,716 km (2,309 miles) of link paths

Until the next one...

Ingress Brian Rose Anne Beuttenmüller Brandon Badger Joe Philley  #enlightened   #pnwenlightened  


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