Well, this is probably as good as it is going to get for now.

Well, this is probably as good as it is going to get for now. This series includes roughly 9 or 10 larger fields sprouting off of 10 anchors. In between there are roughly 20 or so minor fields. Most major fields were started/completed by Devon Woods . Special thanks to Robert Potter for helping us take out Belgrade. the largest of the fields was blocked by a 20 metre link for most of the morning. Either way, it looks like we are gonna reclaim the throne for the regional score count for Sierra 2 & 13!
Another special thanks to cuke's brother aleyska (who just started playing Ingress yesterday). He managed to crap out a bunch of stray links to gain AP and ended up screwing us out of closing in the large gap that would have swallowed Bozeman/Belgrade.
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