Montana's Cross Faction meeting was awesome today!

Originally shared by Shane H.
Montana's Cross Faction meeting was awesome today! We made arrangements for 6-8 people, and 12 showed up! While two thirds came from the local area, four of our Resistance agents (seated at the bottom) made a 286 mile round-trip from Billings. They rolled in late because they wanted to make sure that they threw a massive blue field over our meeting place.
We were also fortunate enough to have a former Montana agent (wagga) in town from Rapid City SD. Thanks for showing up! I am sure I can speak for all by saying we had a great time!
Devon Woods Cam Tulloch Jackson Cyr Robert Potter John Barton Frank Dougher Allen Schoessler Ryan M Philip Painter Dan Sticka
Sorry for not tagging speed2. By the end of the night most of us were calling each other by their in-game name.
I have to admit, Gildan so looks the part of his attitude, especially with the flash in his eyes. One scary dude there.