Anything I should know about Gallatin Valley Ingress before I get out and do some smashing?


  1. If you see a portal at the Bible College (up 19th past Kaggy), leave it alone. They have requested they not be part of the game.

    Also, not sure current status, but at least for a while all of the portals outside the library building Shane H. was trying to keep no higher than L4 I think to help noobs. Hopefully he can weigh in a little on that.

  2. If you can add a L8 res to Bogert Park SIgn & Peet's Hill, we're trying to get those up to L8.

    John (Jba) & I (Baggage) have an informal arrangement with the smurfs to leave Adam Bronken alone if they leave Bogert Park alone.  Not a treaty really, just a MAD-style statement of bomb mine, I'll bomb yours.

    Welcome [back? was it?] to Bozeman!  We're very glad to have your help!

  3. And personally, anytime you want to drop a nice juicy res on the Courthouse or Pioneer Museum, I'd be very gratified.

    Just let me know if you have a pet portal you'd like me to help you with as well.

  4. The engineering buildings on campus (Roberts/EPS) are the closest thing to home portals for me.

    I will hit Peet's Hill and the courthouse when I can.

    My last house in Bozeman was across the street from Peet's. Too bad I'm not there now...

  5. Loads of portals right there.  I hope you can get GPS from inside.

    That's the big downside to the Courthouse. My office used to be a vault, with foot thick walls.  I can barely get FM radio, let alone GPS.

  6. Let us know if you pic a couple of favorites.  Like that wire mesh thing in the entrance.  Whatever that thing is.

  7. Robert Potter has anyone reported the portal to get it removed? That would seem to be the best was of ensuring this.

  8. Frank Dougher not sure if any one has reported it or if it is even a live portal anymore. I have mostly been out of the game for a pretty good while so I am not really sure what has changed or not changed.

  9. James Soddy will you be able to make the Ingress meet up at old Chicago on the 19th?

  10. I think so. I should know for sure by tomorrow night.


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