A week or two ago the conversation came up about basically building up a quick portal farm to burn out.

A week or two ago the conversation came up about basically building up a quick portal farm to burn out. I am pretty much wiped out of all supplies & what supplies I did have from farming Belgrade portals last week I burned up today. Later this evening/tonight, would a few of you be interested & willing to build up the library portals for farming? I don't have the ability myself so I need those of you with the supplies to build them. I'm suggesting the library because it has a pocket of portals that can be worked over without a bunch of driving around & I am guessing there are not a bunch of smurfs that would be likely to descend on us in time to prevent some decent farming. Any thoughts or interest?


  1. I could probably be down for this. My supplies are in rather bad shape as well, though. Fortunately, if we can get someone else to join us then it doesn't take long for level 7 portals to pay for themselves. If we stopped by Bogert on the way and got enough for a couple of portals then I think we could mostly pay for what we're doing by hacking as we go.

    The more people involved the cheaper it is for everyone.

  2. Any other takers? Could be a fun meet up that could in turn increase our supplies. Common, do it for the children... ;)

  3. I'm gonna bag this meet up request. Need more than James Soddy and myself. Maybe next time.


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