Ladies and gentlemen, attached is an invite to the Resistance Call to Arms that was accidentally sent to an...

Ladies and gentlemen, attached is an invite to the Resistance Call to Arms that was accidentally sent to an enlightened. So National Contact is alerting all Enlightened to the Resistance plans. We have proved out abilities and will continue to do so. I know many don't follow the anomalies and story line and honestly I don't either. I know Montana is huge with little MU. I don't know if we can affect it that much, but just remember for every 1 mu you get you are doubling it. They are going to try to field Montana and have already done a good job. Please leave all blue fields intact until after 3:00 pm, then take them down and build green fields no matter how small, it all counts. Do not let them take Montana. This is an Enlightened State.
The count is today?