Hey guys

Hey guys,
out of town l8 here and I'll be visiting bozeman next week, let me know if there are any specific portals you want upgraded. If anyone wants to meet up, I have some l8 gear to donate to your cause too. IGN is Gnibbler


  1. Our new l8s there will be very very very happy to get some l8 gear and be more than happy to have the assistance. Frank Dougher, John Barton, Shane H.

    I am an l8 in Helena.

  2. When are you getting in? We've got a meetup on Sunday the 8th at Aleworks on E. Main St.

    But in reference to your offer, yes we'd love your help. We're coming to an arrangement with the Blues to have a West side and East side L8 portal, one for each. We haven't locked it down yet, but I think we're going to put the East side one at Peet's Hill or maybe Bogert Park, both on S. Church. (and of course, I'd always like another L8 res on the Courthouse!)

    Let me know when you get in.@Baggage

  3. I'll be arriving in Bozeman at 6:30pm on the 8th

  4. Perfect timing! Meetup is at 6, come on down to Montana Aleworks (across from the Library on East Main St.)

  5. Sounds good, I will see you there!

  6. You've been getting around, Tim!
    I'm seeing gnibbler portals all over town!


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