
ok. its VERY important that NO ONE sends links west of Bozeman until i am finished with my field on Fri night.  Thanks!


  1. West of Bozeman extending to where?

  2. I'm linking Shelby to island park tomorrow night

  3. Covering Gf boz and billings. Going to havre anyway

  4. Good Luck!  Keep me informed and I will keep you informed.  Can't believe we were one link away, so close to pulling it off.  And then they change the rules on us.  Oh well everything happens for a reason.

  5. Hmmm... link out of Townsend may interfere?

  6. Currently nothing is in the way. Please keep it that way folks! Leaving in 1 hour. It will be up in 7hrs.

  7. Good thing you said something.  I was gonna burn up some keys for links out of Logan.  I will stand down until your op is done.  Good luck.

  8. Saw your first link.  Good luck, looks like it's going to be a monster!

  9. It will be without doubt, the biggest historic single field in Montana

  10. Pam Kennedy
    what was this about the rules getting changed when you were about to do a link?

  11. Frank Dougher Nothing to do with linking. We were trying to do a really long link that just did not happen and they changed the rules on another part of the game.

  12. It's up, nice job Scott Beach .  Any get a screen grab yet?
    I'm very curious what the MU count is, he's got 3 of our 4 largest cities.

  13. I've noticed from my own fields in town, seems they don't take the number directly from census data like I thought they did.

    Nice grab.  Hope it stays overnight!

    Anyone know the minimum time unit they use in calculating Max MU * days?  Is it just a 24 hr period, or do they pro-rate it for 6 hr periods or something?

  14. Nice Scott! Looks especially cool against the map of the whole country.

  15. I covered billings in a big field once. Only 45k.

  16. The field I created was only up a few hours. But I got the full mu count or really close. 795+ k


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