Kudos to whoever it was that put up the Manhattan-Livingston-Big Sky field today. That was pretty cool.

Kudos to whoever it was that put up the Manhattan-Livingston-Big Sky field today.  That was pretty cool.

Those monster fields from S. Dakota to the Highline were pretty awesome as well.


  1. Woot woot! That's been a long time dream of mine since the early days! Congrats whomever pulled it off!

  2. It was Lindy, her is from Atlanta.

    The sd fields were part of a much larger set

  3. Nice Work agents. Props to the up and coming Bozeman crew.

  4. I see typing and driving is bad. Lindy is a guy here from Atlanta. Hopefully he puts in some more travels and fields.

  5. rugged nw sorry I did not get back to you. The op took more than I thought and the sitrep is even more work.


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