Folks, I know I have been pretty quiet lately.

Folks, I know I have been pretty quiet lately. Summer was insane and I was dealing with family, school and work.  On top of it my Ingress supplies have largely been annihilated. There is still a chance that I might go pretty silent for a while longer too.  My position at work is being eliminated and so without a job I will be looking to cut expenses. If the numbers don't jive I will be looking for a way to kill the data plan on my cell phone. If I have to go down that dark and ugly road :) I will still be monitoring and active in this community - it will just be my game play that suffers.

Looks like more players are hitting town, even for the smurfs. So get out there and control the portals!


  1. Sorry to hear about your issues.  Gameplay in general is lacking quite a bit.  Not trying to point fingers, but ever since Jackson Cyr left, Bozeman's Enlightened have lost a lot of momentum... actually, the blue team has been bored out of gameplay as well.  Ok, I think I WILL blame Jackson for this.

    I've been way busy as well (which is why I initially left).  But I am trying to fall back into the groove of things.  Hate to see ya leave for good though.  But keeping your lights on is more important than playing a cellphone game.  Hope you land back on your feet.   Let me know if you can drive a truck... we are seriously hurting for drivers in Three Forks.

  2. My plan is not to leave for good. But if numbers don't pan out I might have to take a longer break even though I have more time on my hands. ;)

    I think with school back in session Bozeman is ripe for some game play again. I know for a fact that team Blue has some new players so maybe we need to run a group attack on town and/or campus to give them something to focus on. :)


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