So I take it everyone is gone for the summer or caught up in real life?

So I take it everyone is gone for the summer or caught up in real life?  I haven't seen or heard much from anyone aside wagga, SnowXTC, MrSuit, and SG406.  Hope people aren't already losing interest in the game before it comes out of beta.


  1. Still playing but was pretty hammered at the end of my last school term and spent the previous few weeks trying to catch up on some things and get back into the school groove for this term. 

    I have some minor work but mostly just hacking/recharging a particular portal on my way to work (usually twice a day). 

    I am so close to level 6 that I really just need to go out for a little bit.  Oh well, I am about ready to start making some more late night MSU runs.  :)


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