I am currently working on getting a large scale project in gear.

I am currently working on getting a large scale project in gear.  I code named it Ops Green Zone.  You may have noticed a link on the right column to a document which is closed off.  The reason why it is closed off is because this whole project is still in the concept phase.

Here is the idea behind Ops GZ:  I want to start exporting important portal keys to Idaho, Washington State, and down as far as Utah to fellow faction members.  

Drops/pickups will be made at strategic locations throughout the perspective state.  It will be kinda like a relay run.  I will make my way up and down each state and drop off keys.
In return, I want to move their keys up to us so we can establish an interstate network and build larger fields.

I am currently still working on contact information with agents operating in these areas.

I can't really do this by myself so I am relying on YOU guys help me establish contacts in those areas IF you know anyone.  I also need help with you guys providing me keys and telling me where they need to go.

Additionally, I am also working on setting up dedicated drop sites within the state of Montana.

Areas I can currently support are:  

Big Timber
Island Park Id
Ashton Id
Idaho Falls
Pocatello Id
Salt Lake City
Post Falls Id
Spokane WA..  

Until I get all the folds ironed out I can't really release much more.  If you are interested in becoming a key player in this project, please let me know and I will give you access on my blueprints.  

We will then coordinate what needs to go where.  Jackson Cyr CJ Wilder Pam Kennedy Scott Beach 

One last thing.  I am setting up the framework to build this network up.  I still need an "architect" to figure out important connection points and someone that can do the finger pointing on what goes where.  I need someone to step up and take a leadership role in making this a successful operation.  I am guessing this will take about three or more weeks of planning before it becomes a success.  So if you are interested, be aware you may be in it for a long run.


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