So three days ago my piece of junk HTC Thunderbolt mobile that I've had for 2 years started screwing up after the...

So three days ago my piece of junk HTC Thunderbolt mobile that I've had for 2 years started screwing up after the last system update.  By screwing up I mean it is running painfully slow (I can deal with it) and my Ingress app started screwing up with it (I could play the game, but I was unable to link portals cause the Portal Key icon stopped working).  Long story short, I was so frustrated that I ran to the Verizon store and got a new mobile... I even lost my unlimited data plan that I signed up for two years ago.  Yeah, I am an Ingress addict... come to think of it, there are waaaay more expensive hobbies to get into.  A new $200 mobile was a good investment... I will use it for other stuff as well... By the way, my new HTC DNA is ....amazing!  Game runs waaay smoother and the graphics are much crisper!


  1. I have seen people play this game with a nexus 7 tethered to their smart phone. I would love to play this game with a DNA sized screen like you have! When I upgrade I am definitely going to go no less than 5 inches, if they have a 6 inch screen phone by then, I'm buying it!

  2. It is worth it.  the graphics are perfect. Thing that sucks is you cant swap out the battery.

  3. You will need to buy one of those external charge packs. I have Droid RAZR with battery sealed in as well. I need to get the pack for me too. If you guys decide to do that, don't buy the little units locally. You can get more powerful off Amazon for similar pricing.

  4. Yeah, I use Amazon or eBay. Tell the phone manufacturers to hurry up and make a 6 inch screen! When we all meet up sometime, I want to see the game on your screen!

  5. if we have a faction meet-up, I can show it to you.  it looks sleek.  In the meantime, I would love to see all of us keep recruiting new guys

  6. we could plan a meetup in downtown bozeman next sunday?  Santa Fe Reds perhaps?  it is located between four portals

  7. Would love it, but Sundays are game of thrones night with my co-workers. Monday night works for me or Tuesday

  8. I am off mondays... so that works for me as well.  Dont have HBO.  the show any good?  I watch Bates Motel on Sundays too... LOL

  9. You guys still have a Sata Fe Red's?  Ours shut down end of last month. :-/

  10. I'm thinking I need to tether my Nexus 7.  Having similar issues with my Galaxy Nexus phone since the last three updates.

  11. we have two Santa Fe Red's. one downtown and then the old one still operating off 7th across from Famous Daves.


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