So about a week or two ago I had to make a run up to West Yellowstone.

So about a week or two ago I had to make a run up to West Yellowstone. While up there I discovered 5 (I think) unclaimed portals just a few blocks apart right in town. Naturally I claimed them & foolishly spent a few keys hoping to create a field (came close). I did keep a couple keys but so at some point I hope to be able to link Bozeman to West. 

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know that they are up there incase any of you head up there this summer. I just got notice that they have lost their charge so I believe they are unclaimed again. 

Portal locations:

1. Historic Center
2. Wolf / Grizzly Discovery Center
3. Post office about 3 blocks straight down the side street as you exit Wolf/Grizzly Discovery Center (location is off, @ hotel prior to USPS)
4. Drug store (block down & block up from Historic Center)
5. Listed as Post Office I think but is an empty dirt alley / lot. After Drug store just head towards main inbound street, cross it and half way between the main road into town and the end of the street on the left hand side is the empty lot/alley.


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