Since we are all getting quite friendly, I would figured I would ask this question: How did you get involved with...

Since we are all getting quite friendly, I would figured I would ask this question: How did you get involved with Ingress? Me personally, I am a geocacher and I was reading up on things on my hobby when someone mentioned this new "virtual game" of caching meets capture the flag. I was intrigued and then instantly hooked when I got my code. What is your story?


  1. Joe Hansen started talking to me about the game. Talked it up pretty good and had me interested. Watching the trailers and such intrigued me as well. But I was waiting for an invite code & planned to join the Resistance. Joe rounded up an invite code from Taylor Hunt and dangled it in front of me with the stipulation I had to join the Enlightened & occasionally supply keys. So I finally decided I wanted to play more than I wanted to wate so I sold my soul for the invite code :)

    Overall it seemed like it might be something I could do/play even with my full time job and full time school along with family. Seeing some of the interaction world wide looked like it might be super fun too (which is what I am hoping to see here in Bozeman/Montana as well).

  2. I first heard of Ingress from TWIT (This Week in Tech) ep. 383 about 61 minutes in: Dec. 9, 2012.

    Not quite the representation of the game you'd expect to catch my eye, but, I really never perused playing until I saw CJ Wilder offer up an invite in G+ which I ended up being too late to claim.

    So my code was a long waited 2-3 week simple submit from the site home page.

  3. "It was a dark and stormy night...." I had just completed a hangout with a colleague from Berkeley who was the IT guy in our start up back in the late 90s. He's currently working a study of sorts on office culture and LAN games. This guy....this guy....flashed a screen shot of the Ingress map on the white board. Knowing full well my affinity for any sort of interactive competition. After his brief explanation and requesting a invite from the home page, I discovered the game is much more....than it appears.


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