Quick question.

Quick question. I had been thinking of setting up my daughter with an Ingress account but the only way she would be able to play is if I shared my data plan WiFi with our Android tablet. But after today's discussion it sounds like Google might suspect me of trying to play with two accounts and shut me down? So i am guessing this would not be a good move on my part to try right?


  1. My son does it the same. Not a prob so far.

  2. good to hear. I know she would like to and now that I have the external power pack I could power my device well enough to make that work. I just don't want to get in trouble with google and not be able to play the game. That and I don't want to pay Verizon for another phone/data plan just for Ingress...lol

  3. I think I remember Joe Philley saying they encourage people to use one device with two profiles to play if necessary. Using tether would be less suspicious than that.

  4. As long as you guys aren't battling each other side by side at every portal, I wouldn't see a problem. There are many others that are in a similar boat and I havent heard this being an issues.


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