Question: Is there a shield/mod that prevents a portal from decaying?

Question:  Is there a shield/mod that prevents a portal from decaying?  There is one portal that I attacked the crap out of, and there are three resonators left.  This was almost a week ago, and all three remaining resonators are still showing at 100%

Don't say someone is recharging them!  Otherwhise someone else would have filled in the the other 5 resonator spots and gotten the extra AP to make it worth the effort!


  1. Can't you recharge from a distance though? which would allow them to be recharged but not allow new resonators.

  2. If you have a key to that portal you can remotely recharge resonators while they are under attack, zarkuu used to do that to me all the time when I would try to attack one of his 5000 resistance controlled Bozeman portals.

  3. yeah, you can recharge from a distance... but the guys that placed these specific resonators are from Billings... Is that even possibly to recharge resonators from 180 miles away?  the remaining resonators are only lvl 5 & 6

  4. Also, there are times when the game malfunctions and you can't get rid of one last resonator and it would reappear after you destroyed it. Very frustrating when it's 20 below zero and you have been standing in a snow bank!

  5. You can, but it is very inefficient

  6. Recharging from this distance is very doable.  I think there is a maximum of 2,000 km where your recharge drops to 50% effectiveness.

    If they are low level resonators they won't take much to recharge too.

    When attacking them, what are they and what are you using against them?

    What is the name of this portal btw?

  7. It is the only current portal in Amsterdam...

  8. It sounds like the game bug I was mentioning. Clear the cache reboot your phone and log into the game again

  9. it's just not my mobile... my PC intel map shows the same thing!

  10. Well they haven't been recharging here in Billings, so they very well could have teamed up to keep it charged.

    I haven't seen this sort of bug before either.  Niantic may have to come take care of it like they do for some links that won't go away.

  11. They will show up because they are there, I'm talking about when you are attacking them, also, when you think you got the last one just hit deploy and that usually fixes the problem

  12. rugged nw   I figured they wouldnt spend their XM on recharging three resonators in Amsterdam.  That would be just a waste of XM if you consider the numbers those guys are playing with...  rugged nw  I killed all the first 5 resonators within the first 5 minutes... but the last three wouldnt go away

  13. Another thing is, they aren't going to be watching it all day to notice an attack.  They won't get notification until a res goes out.  So if you don't see any damage happening, this is probably a bug.  It has no shields.

    So if you are referring to an initial attack, you may have had to plow through shields.  They used to come off first which sucked, so maybe they fixed that to be more random, but, it clearly has no shields.

  14. Yes, it sounds like the bug I encountered

  15. Thanks Warren.  I can understand the initial attack by me vs the lack of damage.  This happened almost a week ago... regardless, the resonator should have decayed about 15%/day,  So far it is still showing as 100% despite that it hasnt been attacked in a week.  This has got to be a bug

  16. Cereal and lspeed are the ones. After talking to Cereal that is a tactic to hold the resonator for a bigger field they were planing. If you have the key you can recharge from a distance. Also it only takes one key to open the screen. After it's open you can move around and collect xm and keep recharging. They have keys a go-go.

  17. Jackson Cyr about moving around to collect xm... I'm not sure that is correct.  I have never seen that behavior especially since you aren't there to collect, likewise to upgrade/hack/attack/deploy.

  18. Appears to have decayed 15% now.  Watch it to verify the recharge.

  19. FYI, at the Cross Faction Meetup yesterday here in Billings, I talked with Cereal, and he confirmed with me that he is the one recharging Amsterdam.  I saw his efficiency was about 94% too.

    He was lavishing in the fact that he got you!  He waited for you to get the resonators down to two so his recharges would be most effective.  Keep that in mind when defending a portal as it is a good one!

  20. Hmmm... makes sense. Just wanted to make sure it wasnt a glitch. Not quite sure how he "got me"... If you mean that he got me a bit confused cause I didnt realize you could charge resonators from so far out, I guess I learned something new.... As for anything else, I guess it is part of the game. Wouldnt be a fun game if you didnt develop some forms of strategy to hold key portals, not to forget to mention, a waste of time and fuel. I think another faction member has reclaimed that portal anyway by now. Thank you for clearing it up though.


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