Nothing more annoying than pulling over to attack a portal with two missing resonators and two weakened & suddenly...

Nothing more annoying than pulling over to attack a portal with two missing resonators and two weakened & suddenly realize two portals have reappeared. Then checking the portal not only shows two new resonators, but also a nicely set of recharged resonators to boot.

Freaking Zarkuu!!! Based on an idling car across the street and behind me that also left shortly later, I believe Zarkuu drives a darker blue car - possibly a Subaru but not positive.


  1. That is firepsycho I believe.

  2. He did that to me when I was level 2 and I was trying to get back the Belgrade post office, lol. I think zarkuu is the Subaru?

  3. Right after the struck and idling car left, app said Zarkuu hit a portal two blocks away. Prior to him messing with me he took out a link of mine too.

  4. Hahaha, you gotta love this game!

  5. I would really love to meet all of you guys... but also the guys from the other faction.  zarkuu is the main reason why i am leveling up so fast.  If you see someone ideling in a yellow FJ cruiser or a light blue Honda CRZ, that would be me!

  6. I forgot a large population there drive subaru's.  I know firepsycho does too.


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