If any of you are planning to do some portal work tonight, it might be possible to retake the library if you can...

If any of you are planning to do some portal work tonight, it might be possible to retake the library if you can beat Zarkuu. I took out two resonators and have a third one within 1 or 2 L3 bursters. After that you have a decent but damaged L5 resonator on the apps top row. The bottom row is mostly in tact made up of one L6 and the rest L4 & L5 resonators.

I would have kept going but I was down to 1% xm - that & almost out of my bursters :)


  1. Sounds tempting.  RL issues (work) are getting in the way though.  I wont be active till this Sunday.  Keep up the great work guys!

  2. The library is down to a tic on one resonator. Huge AP up for grabs.

  3. sweet. I see the intel map still shows it in that state. I am hoping Zarkuu cannot get there tonight. I am going to be heading out in just a bit and will try to get back over there. Should be a nice boost on my way to L4.

  4. The library is ours! However, it is only being held together by 4 common shields & L2 & L3 resonators. So room for others to upgrade. I only had one usable key so some one might still be able to link portals as well. Thanks Jackson Cyr for setting the stage for me.

  5. Jackson Cyr has been setting me up as well. Thanks for hooking us up!


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