Think I am gonna go ahead and make my way to Bozeman.

Think I am gonna go ahead and make my way to Bozeman.  I actually burned up over 130 XMP bursters last night trying to reclaim Belgrade.  Gonna upgrade some resonators in the downtown area and enjoy the rest of my birthday.


  1. Here's hoping you have a good Birthday.

  2. work the campus. you can walk around easily without burning fuel and  many of the portals are reasonably high (L6?) so you have the best capability of grabbing higher level but usable items. Because they are usually green, you don't have to take damage either. If you park after 9 or 930 or don't finish until after 9:30, then you can leave the paid parking lot without having to pay for parking (in gated lot).

  3. maybe over night. My lug meeting is scheduled from 7 - 9 and if we time departure correctly the arms are up and you can just leave. I have swung in there around 9:30 and hacked the portals. after my last LUG meeting I left the group around 9:15 and hit all the portals almost twice before leaving the lot. I am not sure when they decide you have been there too long though. I might be able to reach out to one of the campus employee's I know to see.


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