Hey everyone.

Hey everyone. I met up with Tim last night and farmed the MSU campus a bit. Had an enjoyable night and was able to pickup some tips as well (Thanks Tim Gradl ). BTW, if you have not met up with Tim yet, you should try to do so. A-n-d...now the segway... 

Tim flys out Saturday to head back home. Based on the damage he has been able to inflict upon the Smurfs in the valley, I do not know how bad we will need his L8 capabilities tonight or Friday, but it might be fun if some or all of us could get together for a group farming run & some coffee or even pie and coffee. Not sure what everyone's schedules are like, but if everyone is open to something like that drop a comment in and lets see if enough of us can do something.

I will be the first to admit I still have to approach my wife with this before I know my availability. I have been out portal hacking late at night pretty much all week, add to that my work schedule and studying for school, she might take a little offense to me leaving her with all the kids again - but I'm a pretty lucky man in that I have a pretty cool wife so.... Anything is possible. I do have a Linux User Group meeting tonight from 7 - 9 that I was planning to go to but depending on when everyone would want to meet up (if tonight), that might not be an issue.

So, please drop some thoughts in the comments and lets see if enough of us are able and wanting to have a little group get together! Tim, if this is something you would be up for, please let us know what time frame/evenings work best for you.


  1. l would love to take down the field over at the rest stop if you all want to meet up in the evening.


  2. I'm game....will be available around 6

  3. Hey guys, my schedule has been pretty crazy, I will have time saturday morning if anyone is interested in putting together a meetup.  If that doesn't work, I'd love to donate some supplies to the bozeman cause.  If anyone can come by to pick them up, I can make a drop on the north end of Gallatin Green Rd tonight.  Not sure what is most beneficial to you guys, I have lots of 5 and 6 bursters and 5 and 7 resonators I can donate,  Please let me know


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