Greetings from Alberta's enlightened! We're scouting Montana for a possible end point of a giant field.

Greetings from Alberta's enlightened!  We're scouting Montana for a possible end point of a giant field.

We're currently looking at Lewistown as the best possible location and wondering if anyone would be able to provide assistance.  Specifically keys to "US Post Office", and "Lewiston Art Center".  Also help keeping the portal's green so we can make the link would also be appreciated. Many thanks for any help your able to provide


  1. I could help establish, but I won't be able to maintain it. Will mine the area for keys when I'm there at the end of the month. What level does it need to be?

  2. The receiving portals can be level 1, the host port is the one that determines the length.  The plan is actually to make two overlapping fields hence the two portals in the original post (forgot to mention that).

  3. Those keys would be awesome, I'm going to be down next month so I can grab them then.  We'll need at least 2 from each portal (more to recharge would be a plus). We'll probably try and farm a bit while down there, anyone know a motel we can crash at? :P

  4. We went with Lewistown because it maximizes the link length for the portals we're creating (although I found Winnett does this better but doesn't allow for a double field).  Lewiston also is out of the way which is huge, and the links we're making doesn't look like it was cross any major playing area's so we are less likely to encounter links blocking us.

  5. There are a few Livingston players. I have seen them in Comm channel. You might be able to make contact with them using Ingress/Intel site.

  6. Hey +Colt Frederickson just wondering how your last trip to Lewistown was for keys?

  7. I've got a US Post Office....?  Go Fish?


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