A similar get together once Bozeman has some simulation of organized game play from both factions might be rather...
A similar get together once Bozeman has some simulation of organized game play from both factions might be rather fun. What do you all think?
Originally shared by Vincent Velema
Last night was the first National Cross faction Ingress meeting in the Netherlands. With a nice turnout of around 30 agents of both factions and a fragile demilitarization of the premises and informal truce it was a great occasion to meet members of your own and the opposite faction. Most know the local players, but it’s nice to see players from other regions too.
The organizers of the event strongly believe a national cross faction meeting can be of great value to the Ingress gameplay, overcoming differences, alleviate tensions that build up during game play and looking for ways to make the game more fun for both factions. For instance addressing the hibernation state many L8’s go into after having reached that magical level a while ago…
There was no agenda at this first meeting, it was mainly a meet & greet. Reconnecting to person vs. a name showing up 500 times in Niantic emails at 3:00am Besides discussing common experiences like GPS drift, off placed resonators, the freezing cold here in Holland, successful missions. Both as mission complete and mission thwarted by the opposing faction were fun the discuss… and ow well… what does Niantic has up their sleeve for Ingress. Always a great topic ;)
Finding a common interest, especially finding ways to keep the game exciting for all level players was something that lighted up the discussion. Wondering if it would be possible to set up our own, Dutch missions, similar to what Niantic does internationally might be a hook for great new gameplay. Even though no actual missions materialized this evening, it’s on the agenda. Maybe at the next meeting, this can become reality…. Of course we are also wondering if this would suite Niantics plans, but hey, we’ll just + them to this post and see ;)
All in all it was great fun. Both factions could for the biggest part, suppress their urges to activate the collected powers at this meeting. As did the players not at the meeting. There were no big L8 farms erected outside of the meeting, no huge fields created. A respectful gesture that kept the mood positive and gives room to a follow-up National meeting, for which the date will be set soon. Most probably early at the next quarter of this year.
There are many idea’s to make the meeting even more fun next time, if you have suggestions feel free to add your comments and experiences. Also I would like to connect to other organizers around the globe that organize Cross faction meetings. Lets get circled and empower the social aspects of this great game called #ingress !
Thanks to all attending and the good mood! See you in the field!
Informal truce is off, Go save the world agents ;)
Ps Attached a late night picture, sorry for those not in the picture, who had already left or otherwise. Before I knew it it was late and many had left before I thought of the group pic. Next time we’ll have a decent camera available too! ;)
PS here's the G+ event with additional info and some more pics: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c5jrv9amgenbm052lieofgqqqq0?authkey=CI7ltaGq5M7JOg
Niantic Project Brandon Badger Joe Philley Brian Rose Anne Beuttenmüller Helga Baars Laurens Andriessen Denise L Tim van de Rijdt
edit: typo's :o)

Originally shared by Vincent Velema
Last night was the first National Cross faction Ingress meeting in the Netherlands. With a nice turnout of around 30 agents of both factions and a fragile demilitarization of the premises and informal truce it was a great occasion to meet members of your own and the opposite faction. Most know the local players, but it’s nice to see players from other regions too.
The organizers of the event strongly believe a national cross faction meeting can be of great value to the Ingress gameplay, overcoming differences, alleviate tensions that build up during game play and looking for ways to make the game more fun for both factions. For instance addressing the hibernation state many L8’s go into after having reached that magical level a while ago…
There was no agenda at this first meeting, it was mainly a meet & greet. Reconnecting to person vs. a name showing up 500 times in Niantic emails at 3:00am Besides discussing common experiences like GPS drift, off placed resonators, the freezing cold here in Holland, successful missions. Both as mission complete and mission thwarted by the opposing faction were fun the discuss… and ow well… what does Niantic has up their sleeve for Ingress. Always a great topic ;)
Finding a common interest, especially finding ways to keep the game exciting for all level players was something that lighted up the discussion. Wondering if it would be possible to set up our own, Dutch missions, similar to what Niantic does internationally might be a hook for great new gameplay. Even though no actual missions materialized this evening, it’s on the agenda. Maybe at the next meeting, this can become reality…. Of course we are also wondering if this would suite Niantics plans, but hey, we’ll just + them to this post and see ;)
All in all it was great fun. Both factions could for the biggest part, suppress their urges to activate the collected powers at this meeting. As did the players not at the meeting. There were no big L8 farms erected outside of the meeting, no huge fields created. A respectful gesture that kept the mood positive and gives room to a follow-up National meeting, for which the date will be set soon. Most probably early at the next quarter of this year.
There are many idea’s to make the meeting even more fun next time, if you have suggestions feel free to add your comments and experiences. Also I would like to connect to other organizers around the globe that organize Cross faction meetings. Lets get circled and empower the social aspects of this great game called #ingress !
Thanks to all attending and the good mood! See you in the field!
Informal truce is off, Go save the world agents ;)
Ps Attached a late night picture, sorry for those not in the picture, who had already left or otherwise. Before I knew it it was late and many had left before I thought of the group pic. Next time we’ll have a decent camera available too! ;)
PS here's the G+ event with additional info and some more pics: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c5jrv9amgenbm052lieofgqqqq0?authkey=CI7ltaGq5M7JOg
Niantic Project Brandon Badger Joe Philley Brian Rose Anne Beuttenmüller Helga Baars Laurens Andriessen Denise L Tim van de Rijdt
edit: typo's :o)

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