Welcome Sam Sorensen!

Welcome Sam Sorensen! What level and area of play do you concentrate in? Feel free to check out the links under "About this community" and if you want you can add your player information to the player name roster.


  1. I'm actually an L8 playing in Boise, ID (Agent logiasin). Though I'm also a MSU alumnus from 2012 who visits from time to time, and wanted to see if there was anything you guys wanted to coordinate for when I come up next weekend.

  2. Also I'm good friends with SirNerdalot, who just recently started playing.

  3. Sam, we're trying to build up a L8 portal at the Burke Park sign, if you have any extra resonators.

    Plus, any resonators on the Courthouse are always welcome by me, though the blues do knock it down from time to time.

    But let me know if you want to swap keys or plan any fields or links!

  4. But yes, I've just noticed SirNerdalot. Tell him to come on the G+ site, we'd love to see him level up, this town is too blue.

    When do you get in? We've got a meetup at Aleworks on Sunday the 8th at 6PM.

  5. Plenty of resos to spare. Is there any other gear you guys are hurting for? L8 farming is pretty plentiful in Boise. I'll figure out if there are any good portals here for a Bozeman-Boise field, lemme chat with the rest of the Boise L8s.

    I'm getting in late Friday next week, so I won't be able to make the meetup :-/

    Hi Taylor Hunt!

  6. Also, please let me know if there are any portals in the Boise area or on the route to Bozeman you'd like keys to, I'm fairly certain I could get my hands on them. 

    My work portals are fairly secure, 3 L8s work at the same place, 2 of whom are quite active, so if we could clear the path, they would be a good option.


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