Hey guys

Hey guys,
I don't come to Bozeman very often, but was out here on business for the week and saw that it was pretty blue dominated so thought I'd try to help out.  My IGN is Gnibbler and my home base is Naperville, IL about 25mi West of Chicago.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys out with gaining AP or with supplies,


  1. Tim,

    PhantomHACCR and I should be out this evening if you want to meet up, I am level 4 and he is about to hit 3 I think.  I live over by costco and Phantom is over off of huffine.  You can give me a call at 406-599-8689 if you want to get together.

    Joe (haccr)

  2. I will have a free hour between 5 and 6, but then I have plans till later tonight.  Will you guys be out tomorrow? that might work better.

  3. Tim,

    Tonight probably won't work then, but we should be out tomorrow.  I will check with PhantomHACCR.

    Take care,


  4. Tim Gradl Richard Browne I have some keys to the following portals but even when I controlled them they were too low powered to reach. As much as I would like the points, if either of you can make a decent sized field & would like any of them, maybe we can meet up for a drop.

    Museum of the Rockies (x2)
    Downtown Mural (x2)
    Rosauers Post Office
    Post Office - Baxter Ln
    Veterans Park (x2)
    Wind Arc

  5. It doesn't have to do with the power.  1st both ends of the link must have 8 resonators.  2nd your link can't cross another link. 3rd you can't link from a portal inside a field, you must link from a portal on the edge of the field to the internal portal.  You should definitely keep the keys and use them for yourself as they are the best way to level up.  Also, don't worry about huge fields, create the smallest ones you can to maximize the AP your getting.  Just note that the range of even a level 1 portal is like 15mi, so you shouldn't have any issues linking at lower levels

  6. Interesting. I wonder if the out of range message "might" be somewhat of a generic message due to crossing paths with another link or being inside of a field. I will have to study/play with this a bit more then. Thanks for the clarification - I had just assumed it was because the portal was only fully powered by L1 Resonators versus L6 or L8.

  7. Sorry, I may have miss spoke, the range of an L2 portal is 8km, so if you were trying to link all the way across town, range may have been an issue, but the range of a l1 portal is still 2 or 3 miles

  8. Sorry again, apparently I'm way off and a l1 portal only has a link range of 160m.  Guess I haven't done much linking from l1 portals... anyways, as I mentioned, the range goes up to 8km at l2, so it's still worth your while to just hang onto your keys.  Fields and Links are by far the best way to gain levels.  Also remember, you get more for putting them up than the blues get for taking them down, so link every chance you get.


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