
Originally shared by Ingress Agents, The dark road of Via Noir has ended, and 13MAGNUS Reawakens. But your role in what lies ahead is vital... the Portal Network must also be reawakened by your efforts. From Friday, May 5th 23:59 UTC to Sun May 21st 23:59 UTC, the Ingress Scanner will measure a new kind of Agent statistic: Unique Resonator Slots Deployed. During this limited time window, deploying at least 1331 Unique Resonator Slots will earn you the MAGNUS Builder medal. Should you deploy at least 3113 Unique Resonator Slots during the period of this campaign, you will instead earn the MAGNUS Architect medal. How will this be measured? Each Portal has eight possible slots where Resonators can be deployed. Only Unique Resonator Slot deployments will be measured. For example, deploying to the due-north slot of a Portal will count as one, but any future deploys to the north slot of the same Portal (upgrades etc.) will not further increment this statistic. This means that you can earn ...