
Showing posts from August, 2015

1:30 PM Cross-Faction Meetup: Join or invite new and seasoned Enlightened and Resistance Agents in this social...

Originally shared by Jayson Fox (Foxfactor) 1:30 PM Cross-Faction Meetup:  Join or invite new and seasoned Enlightened and Resistance Agents in this social cross-faction meetup. All levels are encouraged to join. Meet local Agents face-to-face-to-face, learn how to play Ingress or teach a new Agent the ins and outs of Ingress and share Ingress stories. 2:30 PM  Level-Up Bootcamp (Start):  Register your level and AP with the opposing Faction lead.  High level Agents will pair with newer Agents working to level up. 4:00 PM  Level-Up Bootcamp (End):  Agents must be present at the Strand Union Recreation Center at 4:00 PM for score to count toward totals. Agents will check back in with the opposing Faction Lead to record their final AP. The winning faction and the agent with the highest AP gain get their names placed on the Bozeman Ingress FS trophy for September. Contact Foxfactor (Enlightened) for more details. events/c1etar65gv1mu6ni5guklu3ods0
Please join me in welcoming Bozeman's own Lincoln Erickson​.

This is one of the fastest large size ops that I’ve been a part of, being spun up in the late night on Sunday, July...

Originally shared by Raul Swain (RLupus) This is one of the fastest large size ops that I’ve been a part of, being spun up in the late night on Sunday, July 26.  Our friends FoxFactor and SixtyFiveRoses were coming in from Montana and we were talking about getting FoxFactor his gold Illuminator badge, since he was only ~30k MU away.  MuscledCarrot offered up a field he had drawn previously, one guaranteed to massively overshoot 30k MU.  When our Montanans arrived, we found out that SixtyFiveRoses  actually only had 11k MU to her name (Montana fields are light on MU), and that our own SeafoodQueen only had 8k MU!  The plan extended quickly to not only throw this 17 layer monster for check, but to do it for check plus two more times! A team was quickly assembled, stacked with experienced solo fielders, and buckets of anchor keys were farmed.  The throw team was assembled and MU goals were hashed out. Op day came (Wednesday, July 29) and the clearing team came out and very efficiently cle...