
Showing posts from October, 2014

If you make this pattern at MSU, you'll gain nearly 300k AP.

If you make this pattern at MSU, you'll gain nearly 300k AP. With double AP active, that's closer to 600k... Just saying. You'll need 20+ keys for the sign and about 12 for the Bronze Statue and there is a definite order to link them in or you'll field over links.

Having fun hacking downtown

Having fun hacking downtown

How to properly take Windmillin with my little assistant.

How to properly take Windmillin with my little assistant.

Billings En. wants to partner on a mega field for Halloween.

Billings En. wants to partner on a mega field for Halloween. I toldm that I ain't the guy...yet.
Ingress 1.63.0 in Play store. Bug fixes listed in the What's New section.

I may be in Bozeman this weekend.

I may be in Bozeman this weekend. I need some uniques and we may attempt to construct a pumpkin. If anyone wants to join the fun you are welcome to tag along. Some assistance will be appreciated.

Efforts to curb botting that could impact Intel operators, maybe. Sill worth the read

Efforts to curb botting that could impact Intel operators, maybe. Sill worth the read Originally shared by Gavin Treadgold (rediguana) Botguard and Ingress Some idle research and speculation for my own curiosity For those that aren’t aware, some Intel website users have recently started receiving Opps… Something went wrong… error messages, and Intel fails to load any data. This has been linked back to the recently addition of some Google security and anti-bot code that has been added to the Ingress web site. What is botguard? Thought I'd do a little more searching for information just to find out what may be happening. Of note, botguard appears primarily designed to both track and prevent bot creation of Google accounts. I first found a good Stackoverflow answer[1] that discusses botguard in some detail. A Google Engineer who worked on signup and login security, posted[1] on a bug ticket on Github for Zombie - a headless browser testing tool - and had this to say: Please do not a...

For the new players. Just swap every instance of smurf and toad.

For the new players. Just swap every instance of smurf and toad. Originally shared by Alexa Freyman (aymay) Finally, All the current and UP TO DATE #SmurflingLessons  all in one place! bonus.....16 and 17 are brand spankin new.  What do you want to see as a Smurfling Lesson? any topics in particular you want to help new players? Comment your suggestions.

YES - nothing but AP between me and L9

YES - nothing but AP between me and L9

Hey everyone, lets welcome Michelle Kandel (aka: Fallon08) to our little group. Ya, another Belgrade Player! :)

Hey everyone, lets welcome Michelle Kandel  (aka: Fallon08) to our little group. Ya, another Belgrade Player! :) Welcome Michelle! Feel free to ask questions.